The Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel was founded in 1665. The number of students at the university is approximately 20 000, and the range of subjects offered cover economics, the natural sciences, agriculture, engineering, and science of education. In the former workplace of Max Planck and Heinrich Hertz, a teaching staff of 600 passes on their knowledge to students from Germany and more than a hundred other countries.

The Extraterrestrial Physics division of the Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics of the University of Kiel (CAU), Germany has a more than 30 years of experience in building and analyzing energetic particle instruments for instruments for space missions and has been PI institution for Helios E6, Ulysses/COSPIN/KET, Galileo/EPI, SOHO/COSTEP/EPHIN, STEREO/IMPACT/SEPT, and the Dostel and Matroshka experiments on MIR, Space Shuttle, and ISS. The division is also Co-Investigator institution for Solar Obiter / EPD. The group has been involved actively in a number of research workshops at the International Space Science Institute and in publishing. In more than 300 refereed publications this data has been analyzed and discussed theoretically.

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